Have a try my hand-drawing by using watercolour and Artline pen. From the start I just take out some materials and paper do some random drawing because I dont have any direction. First I use wet on wet technique randomly draw out some effect and using primary colours : Red, Yellow and Blue to mix out all the colours. Then I apply dry on wet technique to make the colour look more contrast and outstanding. After a while, using artline pen draw some floral.
Picture 1
Picture 2 (close up)
Picture 3 (close up)
Picture 4 (close up)
Picture 5 (close up)
Its look colourful but normal so I scan it and put inside photoshop do some develop and experiment.
After tried few technique I find out it is intersting and I continue develop more. The design outcome can use as graphic fabric.
Picture 6
Picture 7
Picture 8

Picture 9
I will continue try my best develop and explore more about this. I m quiet interest for this field.
Look nice...have a feeling of middle age element..