My topic for Ideas In Context is Drug.
There are many ways to take a drug like powder form, injection, pills and party drug. Some of the reason that people take drugs because drug can eraser their suffering, helps relieve stress, cover painful memories or chase the high once their experienced.
There are also many types of recreational drugs such as Amyl Nitrates, Ketamine, MDMA and Methamphetamine.
After that, I decide to develop about "Party drug". Based on my research there are few type of "party drug" is famous in 2013.
-MOLLY( mix of cocaine and ecstasy)
- Methamphetamine (syabu, ice, yaba, pil kuda)
-Ketamine ( mostly using in party drug and rape drug)
-Erimin 5
"Party Drug" can happened in any party it is an action that a guys do for a girls by using put a pills or injection inside their drinks. While they can be fun, there’s also the downside that girl are in less control and the boy can mess with your body. Why their do this? Based on the research the most of them will do this is because of curiosity, enjoy the feeling or relax and experiment.
How does a girls can protect herself from "Daze Raper"?
- Never drink which is from stranger
- Never leave your drink unattended
- Drink nothing opened by another person.
- Don't attend party which someone you don't know.
- Arrive as a group in party then leave as a group.
What is rape? Sex without consent is RAPE. Rape is one of the abhorrent crimes in society. Sadly, research show that for every case that is reported, nine goes unreported. Malaysia law defines rape as sex with or without consent of a girl below 16 years old is considered statutory rape. Between that, marital rape is not criminalised in Malaysia. Under the law, a husband can only be charged with causing hurt or fear of death, to his wife in order to have sexual intercourse with her.
Myths about rape
1) Women wear revealing clothes will get raped.
2) She didn't scream or fight back, so it wasn't rape?
3) Kissing or hugging can lead to rape?
What to do if you have been raped?
First of all, remember don't blame yourself
Second, don't just wash or bathe yourself after get raped
Third, make a police report or go to a general hospital for medical check up.
But Based on my research most of the victim will just keep quiet, feel herself "dirty", cannot face herself, keep the pain and hurt or maybe feel wan to "suicide". This is a fool decision.
Girls should find out a solution and solve the problem.
- Girls should facing and stand up bravely.
- If you are injured or ill, go hospital emergency department for treatment, call the police and report, preserve the evidence.
-Notify other females you know about the effects of these dangerous drug.
As a WOMEN'S AID ORGANISATION (WAO) we are willing to help you out and know your rights. If girls need any help can visit our website for getting more information.
Enjoy the "PARTY" without scar
Romp Party
Mistakenly Night
Don't let the scar steal your present